Category Archives: control cards

September 21, 2014 Story Update

Each week we write a Constant Contact e-mail targeted to young families (and our elected vestry members! We’re sneaky that way…) At first we just listed upcoming schedule changes and that sort of thing, but we decided it was a good forum for opening … Continue reading

Posted in control cards, Godly Play, Godly Play Story Materials, Jerome Berryman, The Episcopal Church | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Response Time – Setting up the Altar

While reading a Catholic homeschooler’s blog, I was fascinated by her miniature mass kit. I saved up my pennies to buy it, wrote a script to introduce it, and I was met with complete indifference on Sunday morning in our … Continue reading

Posted in control cards, Godly Play Classroom, Godly Play Scripts, Materials for Work Time, Montessori | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment